Middle School Racer Camp

FasterSkierJune 28, 2010

This past weekend 20 M.S. Racers from Maine gathered at the 10th Mtn. Center for their first summer Nordic camp. The kids were greeted by an enthusiastic group of coaches and athletes. The morning of day one consisted of some speed, agaility, and strength activities led by the highly coordinated and graceful Russell Currier. In the afternoon the kids took to the range and learned some biathlon basics with the MWSC Biathlon Team instructing each group. Swimming at Jacuzzi Falls, games and Avatar for the first or third time, depending on who you were, filled out the evening.

Day two started off with some rollerski basics on the grassy infield. Eventually moving on to the roller loop the kids found their ski muscles and zoomed around the stadium working on their balance and coordination skills. Eventually they were able to venture out on to the 3km of paved trail at the 10th Mtn. Center. The day ended with a little biathlon obstacle course relay.

For two days in a row, these M.S. racers only sat down to eat breakfast, lunch and dinner. Outside of that, they were on the go, learning, being active, and having a blast! As the road signs read, “Maine – the way life should be”.

Range during the obstacle course relay

Warming up with some coordination skips

Russell leading by example

Getting their crab walk on


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