So long Eagle

FasterSkierAugust 10, 2010

I have just returned from my final training camp at Eagle Glacier. Looking back at my logs I have been up there for 33 camps starting in 1993 when Jack Novak, who was up with us for this camp, was one year old. It was a solid week with 24 hours of training that was interrupted by one day of a stomach bug that knocked me out hard. I bounced back well though and finished the week strong.

The first time I was up there was the summer before my junior year of high school and my high school coach John Clark who ran the only summer training program around at the time took a group of us up. I remember the groomer wasn’t working so he took a mattress spring out and dragged it around by himself to make a 1 or 2 kilometer loop. Hard core! It has changed a lot since then but it is still the same amazing setting on a glacier 30 minutes from my house. I feel so lucky to have been able to spend so much time up there doing what I love. 


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