In place of some introspective blog post I’ve decided to offer something light for today’s entry. Here they are, the top-5 songs on my IPod this week for training sessions. Judge me, not. span style=”font-weight: bold;”br /br /”Just Sixteen” by Velvet Revolver /span(With Slash on lead guitar it’s easy to make rock sound this good)br / /br /span style=”font-weight: bold;””If Rap Gets Jealous” by K’naan /span(thanks, Erik!)br / /br /span style=”font-weight: bold;””Starstruck” by Lady Gaga /span(shameless, I know. But I can’t fight the beat…)br /;feature=relatedbr /br /span style=”font-weight: bold;””King Nothing” by Metallica/span (A total classic – guaranteed to increase your max lift by 10%!)br /;playnext=1amp;videos=uDJVJ3ugFbgamp;feature=artistobbr /br /span style=”font-weight: bold;””The Hand That Feeds” by Nine Inch Nails/span (Nothing to say. Great song.)br / class=”blogger-post-footer”img width=’1′ height=’1′ src=’’ alt=” //div