Running is Underway!

FasterSkierOctober 10, 2010

The cross-country running season is well underway! Once again, I have the privilege of helping with the Community School cross-country running team this fall. We have a very talented team whom has a very good chance of winning districts and qualifying for state! We’ve had three meets thus far, and have produced some great results!

The start of the girls varsity race

All smiles after placing 3rd, 1st & 6th

The boys team proves to be quite strong as well. We are short one guy to race as a team. Five runners are needed to rank the team as a team. We are in search of a fifth guy before the district meet in a 1 1/2 weeks! Luckily we have our eye on a soccer player whom we hope to recruit:)

Max finishing strong, ended up winning!

Eric getting psyched and ready for the race

This week our team is a bit disjointed…we have several runners who are skiers as well, so five of our runners are in Lake Placid, New York for a ski camp. Once they return, we are headed to districts. Wish us luck as we head into some big races these next couple weeks!


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