The Pyramid

FasterSkierOctober 12, 2010

Brought back from Afghanistan a simple full body punishing workout.

Currently I am doing this one time per week to remind myself of Afghanistan.
Unfortunately although it still is done mostly at O’Dark hundred the 80degree heat and wafting acrid fumes from the open pit burning are missing.
In Afghanistan I started doing this with a very tough Navy Seal Captain and his cadre. we would do a short 6 mile warm up then drag some rubber mats outside of the workout tent. We had three stations Pull-Up Bar, Push-Up Mat, And 95lb Bar.
The Workout is simple do a pyramid in a ratio of Clean/press or Snatch 95lb;pull ups;push ups of 1:1:2 start at 1 rep go to 10 and back down to 1.
One ends up with 100 Snatches and Pull ups 200 push ups.
Then you have to do the Master Set of Pull Ups if you don’t do 20 your are deficient.


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