30 Years and Still Running Strong!

www.caitlincompton.comNovember 7, 2010

Today is my 30th Birthday and I have to say that I don’t feel any older. Maybe wiser, but not slower! I am happy to report that on the training and racing front I am still running healthy and strong. Thirty is a big milestone in cross country skiing here in the US. Not many skiers continue to ski at an Elite level into their thirties and especially not women. So I am looking forward to this year where I will be representing a new age class as a Master Skier and continuing to improve!!!

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Today for my 30th Birthday I joined my favorite group of Master Skiers, the Vakava Racing Team. The team is comprised of some of the toughest and fastest Master Skiers in the Twin Cities. They train hard and race fast all while holding down full-time jobs and raising families!!! They are all incredible and have great stories to share about their own ski racing careers. I look up to them and they have been awesome training partners since I moved to the Twin Cities.

Last year when I was trying to raise money for traveling to the Olympic Qualifying races, the Vakava stepped up and opened their homes and threw an amazing Birthday Party Fundraiser for me. Over 100 people came and we were able to raise enough money so I could get out west to the first series of races.

Today I got to spend another Birthday with the Vakava Team and other friends. We went for a 4 hour rollerski in Afton, MN.

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November 21, 2012


November 21, 2012