As we work our way into the racing season, our hours of training start to decrease slowly and the intensity levels rise. This creates an influx of free time, especially while at a training camp or while racing. A big part of being able to perform at a high level regularly is making sure you are getting enough rest in between workouts and races. We all stretch, dryfire, sleep and practice other good recovery activities we are also often left with hours of the day that need to be filled with activities that promote recovery without having to work for it. The last couple weeks here in Canmore have given us a good taste of that time for the first time this year. And from my observations, this team has been pretty darn creative with their time.
In addition to the normal movie watching and book reading, our group here in Canmore has really made the most of our recovery time. All of the females of the team have committed quite strongly to what the European call “fancy work”, also known as knitting. I think we could keep just about any knitting store in business for quite some time with this crew. Eileen especially, will make sure that there will not be a cold head in the house with her exceptionally fast hat knitting cadence. I try to keep up but just can’t hold the pace for long without messing something up.
I was impressed at the fore thought of the team as well with three of us each bringing our own separate game of Banana Grams. We put two of the games together to make one epic game. It turned out to be a pretty long one but also a good one. A travel size game of Monopoly, in both English AND French!, was purchased during one of the very frigid days we encountered during our stay. I steered clear of these grueling and what sounded like, very cut throat games.
And last, but by no means least, I contributed to our “after school activities” with my putter and golf balls. Yes, I traveled all the way out here with a golfing putter in along with my skis. Having a father that is as dedicated to the game of golf as I am to biathlon, I have made and heard many comparisons between the two, especially between shooting and putting. I decided that it might be fun to bring a putter with me this winter and practice a bit of putting here and there. It is as much of a mind game as shooting is and kind of fun to do at the same time. It also can become a great source of entertainment amongst the team.
So while we are working very hard out on the ski trail and shooting range every morning and afternoon, we are also working hard in a different kind of manner when we are settled into our rooms.
Wishing you all a snow covered December!