PB in PI

Sara StudebakerFebruary 8, 2011

As the Swiss coach told me after congratulating me on my performance in Presque Isle, I couldn’t have picked a better time for a stellar result. My 14th place personal best was also the best World Cup finish for a US woman in a decade. With my parents, grandpa, aunts, uncle, cousins and plenty more fans watching, it was a perfect day to have a great race. I cleaned my shooting and felt good skiing. I know that top-15 is not something to be expected always, but I’m getting there. It’s very exciting.

Presque Isle Opening Ceremonies. Yes, they are dancing on rollerskis!

The mixed relay and pursuit were also good races for me. Our team missed the flower ceremony (top-6) by one place, and on a windy and snowy pursuit day I was able to hold on for top-30 with 6 penalties. With such a good weekend, it gives me a lot of confidence that I’m peaking just at the right time. Starting to get faster now, and peaking just in time for World Championships in a few weeks was always the plan, and it seems as though the plan is coming together nicely.

Exhausted after the tag-off in the mixed relay. (photo credit: AP)

I’m currently in Fort Kent for one more weekend of US World Cup racing. A much needed snow storm has been raging all day, and the temperatures are supposed to dip to frigid tomorrow. Not exactly the weather we were hoping for, but at least it’s not warm and melting. The organizers and volunteers in both Ft. Kent and Presque Isle have been amazing. Being the home team, we’re been getting lots of pats on the back and “good luck,” but more than that, you can tell they really want everyone to enjoy these events and are doing what they can to make things perfect. Northern Maine may be far away for the Europeans to travel, but I think the hospitality and preparation has made it a trip to remember. Hopefully this weekend will be another one for the books!

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