
    This Past week, I have been in Steamboat for most of the off season. The reason I came here was to see my family, friends and participate in a great event for a great cause. The event was called SKI 4 YELLOW. Earlier this summer Lance Armstrong started an event called Ride for yellow, which was a race/fun ride across the Divide trail on Rabbit Ears Pass. Both these events were all for Cancer and raising money to continue the fight against Cancer!
    This Event took place on Steamboat Springs ski area. Taking part in it with myself were several of my teammates and fellow Olympians. Some of the Olympians were from some of the early Olympics like Ted Farwell who took part in the ’52, ’56, and 1960 Olympic Games! There were also a couple NFL players, Kevin Clark who played for the Denver Broncos during 1987-1991, Ryan Wood a formal NFL player and Co-founder of Under Armour. The Keynote speaker was the most current player. Dhani Jones has just played his 12th season in the NFL and is getting better with the years he plays.
    The challenge part of the event was very fun as well! Each Olympian/athlete was the leader of a group. The challenge was to ride as many of the lifts as possible, visit as many of the landmarks as possible and to have as much fun as possible. I had a fantastic group and look forward to doing it again next year. This year was already a huge success raising about $100,000 dollars that was split between several different foundations!

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November 21, 2012


November 21, 2012