Warm Rain?

FasterSkierApril 28, 2011

Today I learned that rain can be warm. I mean I think I knew that before, but I hadn’t ever experienced warm and muggy-feeling rain. I went for a run in my sports bra, and felt incredibly hot the whole way. During most of the day I have been feeling sticky and gross, which is kind of a new thing for me with warm humidity, so I have been washing my hands a lot. By about 2pm I was all pent up and ready to do something, so decided to go on a muddy adventure. It was an epic run! I started up the AT, which was muddy and slippery and rocky, as usual. I then ended up taking a shortcut, bushwhacking between two houses to get down to Trescott road. At that point, I ran to the top of Balch hill, a nearby nature area with a clearing at the top. The sun came out as I got there, so I lay down and took a nap. No joke! It was so nice, and I was kind of tired because I have had a cold and my heart rate was around 170 for most of the run up the AT, so I just lay there for a while, and didn’t get cold despite how wet I was. It was great. The whole epic really only took about an hour and a half, but it was really refreshing. Plus, now I legitimately feel like i am in Hawaii. Except that instead of POG I am drinking cider.
I am thinking about biking 50 miles on Saturday out to a lake and hanging out overnight. I don’t know if it will work out, but if it’s really nice out like I think it’s going to be, I might not be able to resist! Having recently discovered road biking, I am pretty hooked. I love it. I even jumped into some college races here at Dartmouth and ended up winning the women’s collegiate-C TT by 40 seconds. That’s only in the C bracket, but still it was a ton of fun. i would like to do some more bike races if I can find them, but I haven’t heard of any recently.
Anyways, that’s my rambly springtime update from Hanover! I have a little more than a month left on the east coast, so I am trying to soak in the heat! Yesterday it wasn’t hard, the temperature was well over 70. Luckily it’s not like that everyday: while it’s nice in small doses, I would definitely melt if it were always like that.
I hope everyone is having a great spring!


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