Summer Training! Cycling, running, and everything in between! Even School!

Today marks the one month mark of training. Training this year started off really relaxed as we did most of our spring training on our own. This year, I am mixing things up, and starting the season much differently. I am taking a much more relaxed approach to training and doing a lot more distance and easier intensity. I will be biking a lot, but also will be in the weight room working with the trained professionals that the USSA has to offer.

Bill Demong, has shown through the years, that cycling is a great way to get training done, and ease the pounding on your body. Cole Sport, a local ski and bike shop, has invited us to race for them this summer. So far I have taken part in four races around Utah. Bike Racing is a great way to get low impact racing, which allows you to recover quickly. It will also keep me motivated through the summer to keep reaching higher levels and new goals.

Also new this summer for me, is College. I graduated high school in 2008, and took a couple classes from Colorado Mtn. College in Steamboat Springs my hometown. Being an athlete in the USSA, you are giving many opportunities that allow to further your career. One of the opportunities is College. Westminster College in Salt Lake City has a great relationship with the ski team giving free college to past and current athletes in the system. I am taking a class this may and hope to take more this summer. With our training schedule it is very difficult to take classes that wont affect your training. Westminster offers “May Term.” Your allowed to take as many classes as you want, being anywhere from 2 credits to a full semester of 12 or more credits. May is a great time to take classes as our training is still relativity light and I don’t have too much activities going on.

Also coming up is my 21st birthday on May 11th. I am excited to see the opportunities the adult life has to offer, but also will keep in mind that I am a professional athlete and need to know what can affect your training.

Keep a look out for us on the roads around Utah, Colorado and all over Europe. This summer will be very busy, but also very fun filled!

Take Care, and look for more updates!

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November 21, 2012


November 21, 2012