Week 2 Update

FasterSkierMay 8, 2011

It was a wet week here in Waitsfield, but we got in lacrosse games, our first roller-ski, some good bike rides and had a school-wide Community Service Day.  Perhaps one of the highlights was a hike up Scrag Mountain — the steep west face of the mountain challenged us and required a bit of teamwork in places.  It also offered some great and seldom seen views of the Valley from the east.  We steered clear of any noticeable trails — following a stream drainage and some of the Headmaster’s sap lines straight up the fall line.

Scrag Mountain from Route 100.

All smiles, and scratched ankles :), taking in the view to the West.

That’s right — there’s still snow up here.  Some of us will ski Thursday.

On Friday the school split up throughout the state to help organizations from the Maritime Museum, to Special Olympics, to the Mad Path right here in the Valley.  It was one of our first beautiful days and it is always nice to interact with the outside community — and answer the, “so you guys get to go to school and train and travel all year? questions.  Yes, indeed we are all very lucky.

My group went to the North End of Burlington to help with a community garden where food is directly consumed by the Public High School.

Our first roller-ski was quite enjoyable — the skies parted and gave us a nice window to start the year off.  We focused on easy distance with some L2-3 double poling.

This coming week we are stepping up the volume a bit with another roller-ski, several lacrosse games and a bike time trial in Middlesex.  Our local nordic alums are trickling home from college and joining up for the workouts, which is always a boost.  Saturday, Dylan Grald joined us for a two gap ride over Middlebury and App Gap — already training for the LAMB ride! Mark your calendars AUGUST 17th.

Stay tuned!


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