First Team Camp of the Year!! Steamboat Springs

    The first camp of the year has come to an end. It was a good feeling to get the whole team together as well as some of the young junior that are starting to push some of the national team.
Our first camp was a lot of distance training, jumping and one very very hard time trial. We took our first jumps of the year in steamboat on the k68, and most of our sessions were in cross country suits. When jumping in cross country suits, you do not have any feeling in the air and not much in the in-run as well. My brother stated it well, “every mistake is multiplied, so you really need to be on top of your game to go far.” For me it was important to work on my position coming into the curve and to focus on the push generated in the move. I felt like I made some nice progress and look forward to continuing my progress on the k90 in Park City.

Also we had a time trial that was very hard. I was happy with my performance, which is nice since that means my training is going very well! I set a new personal best as well, which is one of the fastest times on the skis we were on!

Now our team is back in Park City, starting the biggest week of training for the year. We will also start jumping on the larger hills this week as we prepare for summer competitions.

Also this weekend is the High Unitas Classic. Its a three race event, that is in Evanston, Wyoming. First race is a 80 mile road race, then a very fast time trial, the lastly a very technical crit, around the city streets. I hope to come away from this with my upgrade to category 3 for racing.

Stay tuned for more updates!!!

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November 21, 2012


November 21, 2012