BKL Wrap-Up

Sverre CaldwellAugust 17, 2011

For our last morning of camp, Poppet set up a fun “SMS Passport” game. Teams had to complete 7 physical challenges and answer a bunch of SMS trivia questions and ski related questions. Each team picked their name and team color and got to work.

Enjoy the pictures!

Wheel barrow?
All of the teams finished up after an hour of rowing, running, jumping etc…

We ended the morning with a big game of “Go for 20”. Gamemaster Charlie is explaining the rules above.

Full field action for 85 minutes.

We made it!

Everyone (64 campers and 15 staff) pose for a group shot.

New buddies.

Eli and Ryan are feeling tougher already.

Campers get their shirts signed.

The EMA girls group is all smiles.
Thanks to all of the coaches and kids for making this a great camp!

Sverre Caldwell

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