First Week In Bavaria

FasterSkierAugust 22, 2011

After a long week of training, we stowed our rollerskis and headed out for a Saturday evening of local culture.  We found said culture at the Seigsdorf Gartenfest, an annual party put on by the town out in some farm fields at the high point of the village.  It was quite a scene, definitely picture-worthy, and if I had remembered to bring my camera to Europe, I would have taken many pictures.  Instead, you will have to use your imagination… Just visualize about a hundred of  the dudes you see above.  We were definitely a little out of place without lederhosen.

The night was clear and warm and we spent a good few hours hanging out sampling the local food and drink while the brass band plaid Bavarian folk songs.  At some point, we found our way out of the crowd and headed for the good ‘ol Fritz Am Sand Gasthof where we have been staying the past few weeks.

I had the chance to head up to one of the local lakes on Sunday and go swimming.  I couldn’t believe how many people were out on a Sunday afternoon.  I know these lakes pretty well as I have been skiing around them in the winter many times.  But that afternoon, they were totally different.  I think it might be due to the fact that there really aren’t any beaches near here so apparently everyone in town just heads to the lake.  I think there must have been two hundred people lounging around and/or swimming.  Anyway, it was a good relaxing off-day, but now we are back to work skiing and shooting.



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