SMS Jr Camp Day 2

Sverre CaldwellAugust 19, 2011

Today was roller ski day. 1/2 of the group did a classic distance workout with technique and our Ball Mtn Dam d-pole test, while the other half worked on skate technique, agility and speed. We then met up for lunch and had talks on Goal Setting (from Poppet) and The Competition Pipeline (from Janice).

After the talks, the groups switched roller ski workouts and we finished around 5 pm…just before the big thunder storms with hail.
This evening Fritz (UVM captain) and Sophie (Dartmouth co-captain) will talk about skiing in college.

Classic drills.

Click on any picture to enlarge it.

Justin Freeman is working with the older boys.

Sophie is working with the older girls.

oops..doubled those pics!

Fritz has the younger boys.

Bungy cords help get the weight forward.

Slalom courses.

Sprint starts.

Sverre Caldwell

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