Busy Day

Sverre CaldwellNovember 2, 2011

Anika warms up for the DP test.

We had a very busy day today. The first quarter is ending so the kids have a bunch of tests in their classes, we had two training sessions and we had our fall sports banquet. Ye gads! Tomorrow we’ll back off and give them more time for studying with only 1 workout scheduled.

Brooke & Mollie skiing together this afternoon.

Winter termer Koby Gordon joined us today for practice today – great to have him out with the team!

Our morning workout was a run with some pacing work. We ran 200’s at different paces from just below to just above 3 km race speed. The goal was to work on efficiency and everyone seemed happy with the results.
Gino, Corky, & Paddy.

Anika, Tess, Kate & Mackenzie.

Tyler & Mac.
This afternoon we ran our double pole test and then did a strength workout. The weather was beautiful, but cool. Cold temperatures make for slower roller ski times (poles don’t stick as well and wheels roll slower).

Doing some plyos outside before hitting the gym.

Tess and Koby catch air!

Skiers of the day were Mollie (who set a PR even with the slow conditions), Mac and Hamish (who were each 2 seconds of their PR’s from faster days).
Issy helps Gino out with some one-handed crunches off the glute-ham machine.

Mac working on his explosiveness.
Overall, the group looked good and we are confident that they are getting faster. More pictures from practice here.
Here are the times:
Andy 3:35
Hamish 4:00
Nick 4:06
Paddy 4:11
Tyler 4:16
Charlie 4:18
Gino 4:22
Mac 4:39
Calvin 4:55
Koby 5:01
Anika 5:13
Issy 5:35
Mollie 5:36
Kate 5:56
Tess 6:11
Mackenzie 6:22
We finished the day with our Fall sports banquet. Congratulations to Calvin and Issy P for being named Most Valuable Runners and to Gino and Tess for being Most Improved! At the banquet we showed a short highlight video from the state meet. Check it out below:

Sverre Caldwell

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