Nationals Week: 5/10/15K Skate TT

lizkantackNovember 14, 2011
Today we did our second of three races for Nationals Week – a 5/10/15k skate race. The boys started at the 15k start, the girls at the 10k start and Tess (our lone 5k racer) started at the 10k start and raced to the 5k start. All courses, except today’s 5k, finish at the top of “stair-stepper” – a brutal final climb. The 15k course for the boys is technically a 13.25k, but since it’s point to point with a net elevation gain, it skis more like a 15k.
We do a couple time checks throughout the course and it’s interesting to see what you can learn from looking at split times. Where do you gain or lose time? How was your pacing? Fast start? Fast finish? When looking at the results, the time in (parentheses) indicates the racer’s split time from the previous time check.
Gino and Issy led the team today with the fastest boy’s and girl’s times and many others had strong races. Everyone was solidly in the pain cave by the end of stair-stepper. Results are below – as always, remember that not all rollerskis are created equal. Great skiing by everyone!
Eventual TT winner Gino warms up for the race – he was too fast to the top of stair-stepper to snag a picture!
Calvin and Hamish on the final climb as the friendly dumptruck gives them plenty of room. : )
Paddy – 2nd overall.
Tyler – 3rd overall.
Corky out for an easy cruise today.
Mollie – 2nd overall.Brooke – 3rd overall – and Kate race up the final pitch.

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November 21, 2012