I arrived in Silver Star around 7pm last night and pulled into the Pinnacle Suites, my home for the week. Because the mountain isn’t really open yet and there are very few travelers here, I got a SWEET deal on an 8-person condo here: $50/night. If anyone has any last minute desire to get up and ski, let me know – there’s plenty of room.
Woke up this morning to a fresh layer of 2″ of snow on my truck. I took the opportunity to test out some new skate skis this morning, a few of which are particularly suited to soft conditions.
The skis were GREAT – one pair, in particular. Mark at Nordic Ultratune had already ground that particular pair with an S1 grind, a good bet for new snow conditions such as these. With a solid two hours of testing already in the bag I’ve got strong confidence in my skate skis for the upcoming races in West.
Not many people on the tracks here right now and passes are discounted for the next few days: $11/day. As luck would have it I ran into MOD sponsor and intrepid adventurer David Bonn out on the trails – he’s been here since last Friday snagging the early snow. It’s nice to have more than one MOD jacket adorning these tracks!
Time to rest for a few hours and do some Chemistry homework. Workout number two out of three coming up in t-minus three hours. More later…