Craftsbury Eastern Cup Recap

lizkantackDecember 18, 2011

Whew! We’re back from Craftsbury, VT after our first weekend of Eastern Cup racing and it was a really solid start to the season for the SMS crew. Big thanks to Crafstbury and their staff for working around the clock (literally) to make this race happen. The 1.4k loop of manmade snow that they produced was in perfect condition and was quite spectator friendly for coaches and parents. : ) On Saturday, we had a classic sprint prelim in the morning (1 lap of the course) and a 3k classic prologue (2 laps) and on Sunday we had a 4.5k freestyle race (3 laps) for the J2s and women and a 9k freestyle (6 laps) for the men.

Lots of highlights from the weekend from current SMS skiers and alums – including podium performances by the J1 boys, who went 1-2-3 (Paddy, Hamish, Gino) in the prologue on Saturday, Hamish & Gino going 2-3 (J1 boys) in the sprint, Paddy & Gino going 1-3 for J1s on Sunday, Koby and Brooke each picked up a J2 win (Brooke in the prologue, Koby in the freestyle race), Katharine was on the podium in the J2 prologue, Russell won the BKL race, Sophie (alum/Dartmouth) won the prologue and the freestyle race, Pat O’Brien (alum/Green Team) was 2nd in the sprint and the prologue, Heather Mooney (alum/Middlebury) and Izzy (alum/Dartmouth) first and second for juniors in the prologue, plus many, many more awesome individual results. Congratulations to everyone for getting the first Eastern Cup weekend under the belt for the year! Well done!

Thanks so much to Herve Pelletier for many of the photos below from Sunday’s freestyle races! Apologies to Skyler and Corky who we missed on camera – we’ll get you next time!


Tyler was feeling under the weather on Saturday, but bounced back to race on Sunday.



All tuckered out.

Rachel Hall (Middlebury), Gage Fichter (UVM) and Issy.



Koby – first career Eastern Cup win on Sunday!


Issy P.








Chase (alum/Middlebury) ripped it up on Sunday with a fantastic fifth place finish in the freestyle race.

Alum Patrick O’Brien – racing for the Crafstbury Green Team – picked up two 2nd place finishes on Saturday.

Austin Caldwell (alum/Dartmouth) gets cheered on by his sisters.

Sophie and Izzy.
Russell went from 4th to 1st in the final 1/2K of the race to win the BKL race on Sunday afternoon.

J2 girls sprint podium: Julia Kern, CSU (1st) and Brooke (2nd)

Sprint junior podium: Heather (2nd) and Corey, CSU (1st)

Sophie Caldwell (Dartmouth) – prologue winner!

J2 boys sprint podium: Koby (3rd) shakes hands with Eduoard Reed-Metayer (1st) from Canada.

J2 prologue podium: Brooke (1st) and Katharine (2nd)

Prologue junior podium: Annie Hart and alums Heather Mooney (alum/Midd) and Izzy Caldwell (alum/Dartmouth).

Happy alums! Rachel Hall & Austin Cobb at Middlebury and Izzy Caldwell at Dartmouth.

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