Return from West: Back in VT

EvanDecember 7, 2011
We had a spectacular trip out West, and now we’re back to kickin’ it in New England. Vermont is not snowy yet, but with several inches forecast and the potential for snowmaking the next few nights, it looks like skiing will be in the cards sooner than we thought.
After a recovery day yesterday, we ran out to Number Nine for some ski walking/bounding intervals. The workout was designed to get our bodies fired up again after our big camp and the travel home. It was a cool foggy morning, suggestive more of mid-Spring than December, but it was perfect for speed on foot.
As always, we worked on technique as we workout. The focus today was pushing off a flat foot, simulating the kick phase in classic skiing.

The light was quite eerie this morning as the cold air pushed the clouds down on us.  Temps dropped three degrees during the workout. 
Looking for a more relaxed shoulder.
Day or night.

Getting the lead out.
Evan going 3x1min in duck boots.
Pacing Hans through the clouds.

Kaitlin getting dynamic.

Heidi got some good foot speed by the end of the workout!
Always forward.
Shoulders pulling you down the track.

2x5min ski walk for warm up.

A big goal of this week is to recover and let our bodies accept the effect of a hard camp. Plus, if we stay healthy we are sneaking in two speed workouts!  We will more than likely ski at Craftsbury Friday and do intensity/speed on snow. It looks very promising for us to get in a 10km on-snow effort this weekend!

Very excited for this gang to get on snow here and hopefully our BKL Practice yesterday and the Snow Dance Poem we read will bring in a nice plug of snow!

We will travel to Craftsbury Friday and Saturday if conditions permit. Hope to see you out there!!


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