Today was our third day of skiing here and Heather and Paddy did some classic intensity to wake up their bodies. They looked good and felt good. We stayed up in Seefeld for a 2nd ski and they got to test their skate skis in the afternoon. Now they are tired. Tommorow is a day off, Monday they will do a bit of wake up skiing and we start racing on Tuesday.
The picture above shows the jump out-run and a hill to the right. During the races, the skiers will cross the out-run and ski up over this hill then down and around to the finish.
This picture looks the other way (I was standing on a foot bridge) and shows wax cabins on the right and the food tent on the left.
Here you can see the finish area (behind the second fence on the left). This also doubles as the biathlon range (to the right). The uphill after the jump rises up above the range and then drops down towards the brown building in the background. Hopefully no biathletes will have a bad day and take it out on their competitors who will be skiing above the range.
They have about 250 km of perfectly groomed trails here but we are staying close to the stadium. It seems to be the way things are going, short courses with multiple loops so the spectators can see lots of action.
These coolers are in every food tent so there is no worry about getting dehyrated. Paddy and Heather just went to doping control to “give” blood. They are testing everyone.
Late afternoon trail picture.
Imagine waking up to these views every day!
I had to put at least 1 picture from the bus in the blog. This bridge is for the train.
Late afternoon view from my room. Sorry…