Canadian Nationals Day 1

March 17, 2012
We have a group of 12 athletes in Quebec this week for Canadian Nationals – Skyler, Mac, Charlie, Nick, Corky, Calvin, Kate, Mollie, Brooke, Tess, Katharine, & Pip.  This morning was the team sprint event in Quebec City.  The race took place on the Plains of Abraham, a large open field right downtown on the St. Lawrence River.  Our day started off cloudy and foggy (see the picture of Pip & Tess below) and around 12:30pm the fog lifted, the sun started shining and the temperatures started going up.  
The J2 girls raced this morning around 11am.  Pip & Tess and Brooke & Katharine each teamed up for a total of six laps per team around the sprint course.  Brooke & Katharine snagged the lucky loser spot and were able to advance the afternoon finals (only an hour or so later) where they raced a second time.  Kate & Mollie, Corky & Murph, and Charlie & Mac all raced in the open event in the afternoon. Everyone skied well and for most it was the first time racing a team sprint so it was a fun learning experience.  Skyler wasn’t planning on racing the team sprint, so with an odd number of guys left, Calvin graciously opted not to race and got in a workout and then spent the afternoon cheering on his teammates.   The UVM team is up here racing as well so we got to see alum Fritz Horst speed around the course with his teammates.  

We’re up in Mont Sainte Anne now, settled into our house, and we’ll check out the distance courses tomorrow morning before we do back to back distance races on Monday & Tuesday.  
Pip raises a pole for Tess in the tag zone. 
Corky with the Chateau Frontenac in the background.
Brooke runs alongside Charlie.
Katharine racing in the finals – after the fog cleared out!
Brooke herringbones up a short steep hill before the finish.
J2 girls cheering on the boys. 
Calvin out cheering for his teammates.
Tess on the final hill before the finish.
Alum Fritz Horst (UVM).

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