Diversifying Skill Development

RStrumApril 30, 2012

Cross Country MTB – exploring how to fit this in to a year round T2T program.

Variety is important to 12-13 year olds.  Including varied training activities expands physical literacy opportunities for this age kid as well as appeals to the need to do lots of different types of physical training.  XC MTB is a discipline of cycling that has been growing in popularity the last number of years.  With development programs existing in Edmonton (Juventis), Canmore (Rundle Mtn CC), and Bragg Creek (XCBC), many kids in Alberta are being exposed to this great activity.

In response to interest from athletes, our club in Canmore, Canmore Nordic Ski Club has registered as a affiliate club with the Alberta Bicycle Association.  The club has also went further to include an ABA membership for each of its T2T and older atheltes in its program registration fee (where an athlete isnt already an aba member).  ABA membership is required for insurance coverage while mountain biking as the CCC insurance does not cover mountain biking as a training activity for cross country ski athletes. 

Cross country mountain biking is a fun and challenging sport that incorporates climbs and descents on single track and double track trails. 

The Alberta Bicycle Association has instructional resources available as well as coach training workshops.  http://www.albertabicycle.ab.ca/

XC Bragg Creek MTB is hosting an invitational event on June 17, 2012 – the event will be an enduro style team relay event held at Station Flats/Diamond T southwest of Bragg Creek.  Interested in bringing your skiers?  I am the chief of event for this interclub event – you can contact me if you’re interested.


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