Weekend Bike Ride

Sverre CaldwellApril 28, 2012

 After a morning of classes, we headed down to Manchester for a bike ride this afternoon. Our goal was to find warmer air (it was chilly) and gentle terrain. We succeeded on both counts and had a fine outing.

 Tess, Issy, Brooke, Mackenzie and Sverre cruised along at a nice steady pace.

 Paddy, Kate, Corky, Hamish, Anika, Matt and Andy played the “hare” role, zipping ahead, flatting, zipping by again, waiting and finally passing us (tortoise group) for good 50 minutes into the ride.

Our route took us down through Arlington and back.

The tulips are up at the Equinox Hotel… we’re about 10 days behind up on the mountain.

We all enjoyed the ride. One of our spring goals is to do a team 100 mile bike ride so today was the first weekend warm up ride. Each weekend we will go a bit further and by early June, we should be ready to roll!

Sverre Caldwell

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