Uphill Run (updated)

May 14, 2012
Calvin, below, and Issy ran the test a day later (on Tuesday). Their times have now been added in.
 This morning we held our uphill run test for the second time this spring.  A few were missing to get help with make up work or were home sick, but we did have 8 of the 10 finishers (including all of the boys) improve their times from our test three weeks ago, so it’s nice to see people improving their running & fitness.  Hamish & Gino get co-runner’s of the day for each taking 49 seconds off their time from earlier this spring!
Calvin  (6:27)  12:15
Paddy  (6:38)  12:28
Tyler (7:21)  13:11
Gino (7:16) 13:23
Corky (7:20)  13:42
Hamish (7:15)  13:46
Issy                   15:43
Mollie (8:30)  15:51
Mackenzie (9:31)  17:44
Tess (10:24)  19:22
Issy (8:16)  DNF
Times from the week of April 23 are in this post.
 Paddy leads the boys in the first mile. 
 Hamish, Gino, Corky & Tyler.
 Issy came down with a painful stomach cramp mid-race and didn’t finish, but is already asking when she can give it another try. 🙂  
Despite the rain, it was actually pretty warm out. : )  
Last Friday we had all school capture the flag as part of our parent’s weekend celebration.  The teams were alpine vs. nordic & snowboard and the game was competitive!  The whole campus was in bounds making for a huge playing field and plenty of room to move.  Above, alpine boys sneaking into enemy territory.
 Gino chases down alpine’s Hunter Lathrop.
 Conor Callen and Alice Merryweather sprint to safety.
 Alpine boys on the move (Corky in red in the background tries to corral them).
 Alpine girls.

 Joe DeMuyt using his canine friend to sniff out the opposing team’s flag.

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