Oberhof Training

nhoffman1989August 7, 2012

This morning we did two hours of classic distance in the tunnel. At six to seven minutes per lap, you get a little dizzy skiing around in there. As Eric Packer said, “It sucks not having any intensity to do in the tunnel to break the workout up.”

This afternoon we did strength in another new gym.

We had to be inventive again to get our exercises in, including using an extension cord as a jump rope:

However, it was great because the floor made a perfect speed ladder:

And there were some nice motivational pictures on the wall.

Tad Elliott got some heavy lifting in.

I went out to dinner with German skiers Monique Siegel and Thomas Wick. We had some delicious food.

Lastly, I was walking around Oberhof after dinner and saw a picture of U.S. Nordic Combined Athlete Johnny Spilane in front of the local sports store. Crazy to be in the middle of Germany and see a poster of a friend and teammate.

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November 21, 2012