Back in the USA.

FasterSkierSeptember 25, 2012

Stay tuned this week for a bunch of video and photo updates from our two week training camp in the Sud Tirol region.  We had a great camp with alum Antoine St-Louis, Bend Nordic’s, Ryan St.Clair, and our current team.

We were able to ski on the Stelvio Glacier three times, completed a 4km uphill roller ski test with the Sud Tirol Regional Team and had a heck of a lot of fun exploring the mountains in the Alto Adige Valley.  We trained with the Sportoberschule‘s (our sister school), Langlauf and Biathlon teams.

We’re back at school in Vermont and looking forward to having Heidi (USST NTG Camp) rejoin the group for a recovery week with a focus on speed work.

Check out this unique opportunity to roller ski down the Martell Valley.


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November 21, 2012


November 21, 2012