Rochester Skate and DP

EvanSeptember 4, 2012
The other day we headed over Granville Gulf to do a skate rollerski on easy terrain. The goal was to ski long and smooth and to get the feeling of going fast on skis. It is also always nice to get a change of scenery, and the beautiful stretch between Rochester and Hancock did not disappoint. We were joined on the road by David Sinclair, who is about to enter his junior year at Dartmouth. Pretty crazy that it’s been that long since he was at GMVS, but it is always awesome to have him around to show us what it’s all about.

Sinner leads Dev and Ian past a barn on Rt. 100.

After turning around, we transitioned to double pole to get in some specific strength. The girls gapped the boys for a while, and then we all skied together to the finish. Pretty sweet day all around.

Heidi and Maddy double pole past another barn.

This is a pretty sweet training group.


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November 21, 2012


November 21, 2012