Two weeks in Craftsbury

FasterSkierSeptember 10, 2012

I haven’t written a blog post in a long time…and I know that the last one I wrote was probably about our garden.  So probably I should have written a blog about training or something in between then and now…but I didn’t, so instead this is mostly just going to be a fall garden update, in pictures.  But I swear that there are pictures of other things besides vegetables too!

Ida and I planted lots of garlic this year--and we had a bumper crop!  Now we can all stay healthy and have stinky breath all winter.

Ida and I planted lots of garlic this year–and we had a bumper crop! Now we can all stay healthy and have stinky breath all winter.

Dylan and Nils scavenged tons of apples from roadside trees, plus some from around our house, and we had a cider pressing.

Dylan and Nils scavenged tons of apples from roadside trees, plus some from around our house, and we had a cider pressing.

We made almost 15 gallons of cider--and a good bit of it is now "aging to perfection" in our basement.

We made almost 15 gallons of cider–and a good bit of it is now "aging to perfection" in our basement.

One day a few weeks ago Amy and I volunteered to glean for the Vermont Food Bank at Hazendale Farm in Greensboro.  We picked some of the coolest eggplants ever!

One day a few weeks ago Amy and I volunteered to glean for the Vermont Food Bank at Hazendale Farm in Greensboro. We picked some of the coolest eggplants ever!

The boys have a hop-picking party.  I was in a rush, so I just pulled down the whole vines, and we picked the hops off later.  Everyone was quite hop-happy!

The boys have a hop-picking party. I was in a rush, so I just pulled down the whole vines, and we picked the hops off later. Everyone was quite hop-happy!

Pretty chard from our house garden.

Pretty chard from our house garden.

Caitlin and Ida show off our HUGE beet (not very many others even came up, and they're all much smaller) and our HUGEST carrot (we had a lot of big carrots this year!)

Caitlin and Ida show off our HUGE beet (not very many others even came up, and they're all much smaller) and our HUGEST carrot (we had a lot of big carrots this year!)

We took the GRP rowers for rollerski practice.  For a few of them, it was their very first practice of any kind in Craftsbury.  They were all great sports...and now they have some practicing to do for the 2nd annual Roll Run Row triathlon that we plan to hold sometime soon.

We took the GRP rowers for rollerski practice. For a few of them, it was their very first practice of any kind in Craftsbury. I think that they mostly had fun! And now they have some practicing to do for the 2nd annual Roll Run Row triathlon that we plan to hold sometime soon.

And since I also have a habit of posting pictures of the view from our house, I figured I'd throw this one in too!  The cool fall weather has been giving us lots of nice foggy sunrises during breakfast.

And since I also have a habit of posting pictures of the view from our house, I figured I’d throw this one in too! The cool fall weather has been giving us lots of nice foggy sunrises during breakfast.

I was psyched to have some time at home in Craftsbury for the last couple of weeks–as you can see its been a great few weeks!  Now our whole team heads to Lake Placid for a training camp with the U.S. Ski Team and Biathlon team, the Stratton elite training group, NENSA athletes, and other skiers from around the country.  It should be good training, and definitely less harvesting.


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November 21, 2012