FasterSkier is Hiring Full- and Part-Time Reporters

BrainspiralSeptember 4, 2013

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Always wanted to be a part of FS? Now’s the time! is looking to fill a variety of positions – full, part time and on an as-needed basis – as soon as possible, and definitely before the snow flies!

This is a great opportunity for aspiring journalists and those passionate about cross-country skiing to dive right into covering all aspects of the sport. Positions range from full-time and part-time reporters, with the latter being responsible for international and domestic race coverage throughout the winter. Contributors and interns with computer skills are also needed, especially as we get into the thick of things from November through April.

Staff members will work on meaningful projects, interview top athletes and officials, and potentially travel.

In the past, first-year reporters have traveled to the Olympics, World Championships, World Juniors and countless other top events world-wide. Even the volunteer contributors (who we wish we could pay) can find themselves in the mixed zone of a World Cup race.

Working for FasterSkier is a unique and exciting opportunity for highly motivated individuals. You will be paid to travel to some of the best winter destinations in the world to report on ski races. Within weeks of starting you will be calling Olympic athletes on their cell phones. And you will be working with a great team, dedicated to pushing the envelope of ski journalism.

Full-time reporter:

Responsible for writing and posting one to three news articles per working day. Weekends are typically consumed with race reports and full-time reporter will be expected to head up both international (World Cup) and domestic (SuperTour, NorAm) coverage. Travel required to cover certain major events.

–       Salary: based on experience.

Weekend reporter:

Responsible for covering races remotely for about 24 weekends throughout the upcoming winter. Includes watching races live online (World Cup) and following up on results for non-televised events (i.e. SuperTour and NorAms). Should have regular access to a computer with reliable internet, and the capability of using Skype and composing thoughtful emails as reporting tools.

–       Salary: stipend based on experience.

Part-time intern:

Will assist with interviewing athletes, transcribing others’ interviews, and posting directly to the website (i.e. photo galleries, press releases). Must have a basic understanding of WordPress or an ability to learn quickly. Position is unpaid with equipment perks.

Volunteer contributing /reporter positions:

– Masters contributor:

For the ultimate “Master Blaster” who loves to write almost as much as skiing! Should be willing to pitch original stories, then find the best method of reporting and writing them. Unpaid position with FS schwag or gear perks.

– Canadian contributor:

Seeking a native who knows the ins and outs of nordic and biathlon in Canada. It helps to be connected or an avid fan that follows all aspects of the sport. Responsible for helping with Canadian coverage, especially with NorAms and national championships. Unpaid position with FS schwag or gear perks.

– Travel reporter:

For those willing to write and report on-site as needed throughout the season. Unpaid with the reward of paid travel and seeing races live!

– Eastern-collegiate reporter:

Ideal candidate will be at most of the EISA carnival races throughout the 2013/2014 season with the ability to take photos and report on all events. Unpaid position with FS schwag or gear perks.

– Western collegiate reporter:

Ideal candidate will be at most of the RMISA carnival races throughout the 2013/2014 season with the ability to take photos and report on all events. Unpaid position with FS schwag or gear perks.

All positions:

Ideal candidates will be able to start immediately and commit through the 2013/2014 nordic season, pitching ideas and collaborating on assignments with editors. Being available for Monday morning conference calls is definitely a plus, as all jobs are done remotely.

Intern and contributing positions are unpaid with gear or equipment perks depending on the level of the involvement and frequency of reports. Promising interns or contributors could be promoted to paid staff in the future and/or earn trips to cover events.

Prospective applicants should be highly motivated, strong writers and diligent reporters. Editors will expect several articles per week, encouraging interns to contribute “quick content” as needed. The remainder of the offseason (September, October) will be viewed as a training period, and prospective part-timers should be able work most every weekend during the season.

 Interested candidates should send resume and cover letter to, with the name of the desired position (i.e. “Full-time reporter) in the subject line.


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