Mat-Su Icicle Double Set for Dec. 27-28

BrainspiralDecember 1, 2014

 Mat-Su Ski Club

Presented by the Mat-Su Ski Club in Palmer, Alaska

The Mat-Su Icicle Double is a two-day series with classic style on Saturday, Dec. 27th and Freestyle on Sunday, Dec. 28th. In Freestyle ski you can classic or skate, in the Classic ski you can only classic ski.  There are several distances that you can elect to ski: 5 km, 10 km, 15 km, and 30 km. You can change the distance you would like to ski up to 10:30 am on the day of the ski.

If you sign up for the two day series (Classic on Saturday, Freestyle on Sunday), you will receive a $7.50 discount for each day.  Participants who finish the 30 km on both days will receive the coveted Icicle Double Beverage Glass.  Families are encouraged to participate as they are charged the same fee as an individual.  Bring the whole gang!

More information and registration on our Facebook page and website:


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