Trapps Prep and Musings

FasterSkierFebruary 1, 2010

a onblur=”try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}” href=””img style=”margin: 0px auto 10px; display: block; text-align: center; cursor: pointer; width: 400px; height: 300px;” src=”” alt=”” id=”BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5433283787399859058″ border=”0″ //aWe had a pleasant surprise running into Alum’s: Dylan Grald, Doug Debold (pictured here with Hans) and Noah Brautigam at Trapps. A lot of teams from throughout New England were up previewing and prepping for next weekend.
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br /Sinclair and Weston get into Burlington tonight. It will be awesome to hear David’s thoughts about racing with an entire field of really good skiers. David’s top result came in the Sprint were he placed 27th. He also placed 31st in the 10km classic, 2:44 behind the winner.
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br /a onblur=”try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}” href=””img style=”margin: 0px auto 10px; display: block; text-align: center; cursor: pointer; width: 400px; height: 300px;” src=”” alt=”” id=”BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5433283784643744162″ border=”0″ //aHans, Kaitlin and I went to Lake Placid last weekend to catch the “out of region” JOQ put on by emMargaret Mahre/em and NYSEF. The snow was really cold, but the sky was blue and the sun made an awesome day for racing.
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br /I put in a shot of the Shelburne/Essex Ferry to remember the now removed Champlain Bridge. It was fun to sit and reflect at the ferry dock — how much infrastructure we expect and rely upon and what happens when it’s missing. I couldn’t help but take the opportunity to wax Hans’ skis lakeside. We got a few strange stares and the wind seemed to pickup every time I poured powder on the base — but it could be a new waxing technique, call it sea level flour attachment…
br /a onblur=”try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}” href=””img style=”margin: 0px auto 10px; display: block; text-align: center; cursor: pointer; width: 400px; height: 300px;” src=”” alt=”” id=”BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5433283775742778402″ border=”0″ //aSwix and the Adirondacks.
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br /Results for 1/31/10 TT at Trapps:
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br //td td
br //td /tr tr height=”13″ td height=”13″2) Emily Stitt/td td class=”xl24″ num=”0.776388888888889″ align=”right”18:38/td td
br //td td
br //td /tr tr height=”13″ td height=”13″3) Kristin Halvorsen/td td class=”xl24″ num=”0.779166666666667″ align=”right”18:42/td td
br //td td
br //td /tr tr height=”13″ td height=”13″4) Heidi Halvorsen/td td class=”xl24″ num=”0.825″ align=”right”19:48/td td
br //td td
br //td /tr tr height=”13″ td height=”13″5) Kaitlin Fitzgerald/td td class=”xl24″ num=”0.828472222222222″ align=”right”19:53/td td
br //td td
br //td /tr tr height=”13″ td height=”13″6) Lia Van Dyke/td td class=”xl24″ num=”0.863888888888889″ align=”right”20:44/td td
br //td td
br //td /tr tr height=”13″ td height=”13″7) Holly Bushman/td td class=”xl24″ num=”0.916666666666667″ align=”right”22:00/td td
br //td td
br //td /tr tr height=”13″ td height=”13″8) Maggie McGovern/td td class=”xl24″ num=”0.943055555555556″ align=”right”22:38/td td
br //td td
br //td /tr tr height=”13″ td height=”13″9) Dani Leblanc/td td class=”xl24″ num=”0.993055555555555″ align=”right”23:50/td td
br //td td
br //td /tr tr height=”13″ td height=”13″
br //td td
br //td td
br //td td
br //td /tr tr height=”13″ td height=”13″Boys 5km/td td
br //td td
br //td td
br //td /tr tr height=”13″ td height=”13″1) Devlin Shea/td td class=”xl24″ num=”0.759027777777778″ align=”right”18:13/td td
br //td td
br //td /tr tr height=”13″ td height=”13″2) Briggs Pierce/td td class=”xl24″ num=”0.929166666666667″ align=”right”22:18/td td
br //td td
br //td /tr tr height=”13″ td height=”13″3) Julian Sharat/td td class=”xl24″ num=”0.970833333333333″ align=”right”23:18/td td
br //td td
br //td /tr tr height=”13″ td height=”13″4) Anders James/td td class=”xl25″ num=”1.004166666666667″ align=”right”24:06/td td
br //td td
br //td /tr tr height=”13″ td height=”13″
br //td td
br //td td
br //td td
br //td /tr tr height=”13″ td height=”13″Boys 10km/td td
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br //td tdmeta equiv=”content-type” content=”text/html; charset=utf-8″
br //td /tr tr height=”13″ td height=”13″1) Daniel Moore/td td class=”xl24″ num=”0.694444444444444″ align=”right”16:40/td td 18:04(5)/td td class=”xl25″ num=”1.447222222222222″ align=”right”34:44/td /tr tr height=”13″ td height=”13″2) Hans Halvorsen/td td class=”xl24″ num=”0.706944444444444″ align=”right”16:58/td td 17:47(3)/td td class=”xl25″ num=”1.447916666666667″ align=”right”34:45/td /tr tr height=”13″ td height=”13″3) Mitch Prevot/td td class=”xl24″ num=”0.718055555555555″ align=”right”17:14/td td 17:33(1)/td td class=”xl25″ num=”1.449305555555555″ align=”right”34:47/td /tr tr height=”13″ td height=”13″4) Patrick Joslin/td td class=”xl24″ num=”0.716666666666667″ align=”right”17:12/td td 17:45(2)/td td class=”xl25″ num=”1.45625″ align=”right”34:57/td /tr tr height=”13″ td height=”13″5) Ryley Walker/td td class=”xl24″ num=”0.71875″ align=”right”17:15
br //td td 17:48(4)/td td class=”xl25″ num=”1.460416666666666″ align=”right”35:03/td /tr tr height=”13″ td height=”13″6) Evan Martell/td td class=”xl24″ num=”0.716666666666667″ align=”right”17:12/td td 18:38(6)/td td class=”xl25″ num=”1.493055555555556″ align=”right”35:50/td /tr tr height=”13″ td height=”13″7) Alec McGovern/td td class=”xl24″ num=”0.722222222222222″ align=”right”17:20/td td 19:18(7)/td td class=”xl25″ num=”1.526388888888889″ align=”right”36:38/td /tr !–EndFragment– /tbody/table
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