The GRP had a successful first year, with members earning a number of top ten SuperTour finishes, one making the U23 Worlds team, another making the U26 Biathlon team, several biathlon NorAm podiums, and top finishes at Eastern Cups and Open Carnivals.
A key responsibility for GRP members is making contributions to the mission-related work of the non-profit Craftsbury Outdoor Center, GRP’s host organization. GRP projects in the past year have included: trail improvements, coaching of youth and junior skiers, outreach to area schools, development of plans for both a garden and a compost system for the Center, construction of a stone/brick pizza and bread oven, organization of events and programs at the Center, design of the GRP website and clothing, blogging and writing articles, helping develop a regional trail system, working to bring more local food into the Center’s Dining Hall.
You can read more about the team at their website: The application is available here, and you will find FAQs here. Any unanswered questions may be sent to
Athletes applying, or thinking of applying should find a way to talk to coach Pepa Miloucheva while at one of the March ski races GRP will be attending, or come to Craftsbury for a meeting. You can contact her at:, or call 802-586-7767 ext. 33.
One comment
March 5, 2010 at 11:54 am
Since there are <50 people eligible (per the FAQs) , and probably more like 25 people, I wonder if this could have been more targeted. Let me know when the Craftsbury Masters Project opens up.
I really appreciate what the program is doing, and best of luck to the lucky two!