Here is a picture from faster skier. With more snow and a podium finish, I felt it was a good end to my skiing on the east coast. The 15k skate race was my best Continental Cup (Super Tour) of the year. The course was quite flat, with only several steep short climbs, and a seemingly endless section of gradual twisty terrain. There was little rest and transitions aplenty. We did three laps, me and 200 other skiers, and I tried to keep the same pace on all three. 13:03, 13:21, and 13:21. Close! skate results
The classic race the day before was on another course involving a steep ‘interval like’ climb literally from the bottom to the top of the Lake Placid Olympic jumps. Five laps on a 2 K course. Classic results
Thanks to the waxing help from Janice Sibilla, the competitive Programs Director for the New England Nordic Ski Assoc.
Heading back to the midwest for some better snow and local races.