This past week I started into what Scott calls the “transition period” – a two to three week block of mixed training before the real “base period” begins in May. Most of the training is low intensity, high volume with an emphasis on vertical. Hmm…what could I possibly do in the Methow, in the springtime, to get such aspects into my training?
Oh yeah, we had a great winter. The pass isn’t even halfway open yet and there’s five feet of snow only six miles from my house. The gate on the highway is closed at Silver Star Creek but from there you can go into Silver Star basin, onto Delancey Ridge, into Leap Creek…endless possibilities. Yesterday Alison and I skinned into Silver Star to check out the high country. T-shirts the whole way, and fantastic corn skiing.

(This is a 10min drive and a 45min skin-up from our front door)