The MWSC Team (Deveopment, Regional, X-C, and Biathlon)came together this week to tackle Maine’s highest point. Mt. Katahdin stands tall at 5,267ft. and is a highly active place as it represents the finish line of the world famous Appalacian Trail. Photo: Looking up towards the summit
We met up the night before to camp out just on the outskirts of Baxter Park. After some tasty smores it was off to bed as an early morning awaited everyone. 5:30am camre around quicker than most of us thought, especially since it was 4:30am when then young Devo Team decided enough is enough and it was time to get up! After a quick breakfast, we were off and on the trail by 6:45am heading first along the Katahdin Stream and then turning up towards the Hunt Trail all the way to the top. Three hours of up and we found ourselves standing on top and just for a short while we were able to take in some of the spectacular views before getting swallowed by the clouds. We headed down the Knife’s Edge which was a narrow ridge of boulders with steep drops on both sides and high winds blowing from both directions. Once off the Edge it was a downhill trek all the way to Roaring Brook. The sun was now out again and Roaring Brook served as a perfect natural ice bath for some tired and shaky legs.
The Devo and Regional Teams approached Baxter Peak from a different direction and summitted just in time for some stellar views. It was a first for many of these youngsters. A job well done, especially with the 4:30am wake up!
Hanging out at the campsite skippig rocks and watching the sunset
A nice view from the top just before the clouds rolled in