More Pictures From Youth Olympic Games

Sverre CaldwellJanuary 22, 2012

Today is an off day so we have slept in, relaxed and walked around town. The athletes are being encouraged to participate in a bunch of activities at Congress (the place where we eat lunch and dinner). Paddy and Heather have done enough activities to get their free sunglasses and water bottles. Activities range from drumming and cooking classes to mountain awareness.

Each evening there is a medal ceremony in down town Innsbruck. The ceremony takes place at the end of this street.
I thought this was a statue until he waved at me.
It is a very nice town with narrow walking streets and plenty of cafes and shops.
The drive down from Seefeld yesterday was slow and slippery. Many trees had broken and toppled in the road due to the heavy snow (about 2 feet of sticky stuff). When cars slowed to get around the fallen trees, they lost their traction and then the trouble began. They closed the road to any vehicle without chains and that helped the situation. The drive, which normally takes 30 minutes, took 2 hours. We got back just in time to shower, eat and head to the medal ceremony in town.
Medal smile 🙂
Nice TV screen in the background eh?
Flags for the relay teams.
Happy athletes.

Sverre Caldwell

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