Ooooooh Canaduh!

cmalcolmFebruary 9, 2012

So today was the first day of official unofficial training at the IBU Cup venue here in Canmore.

For those of you who have no idea where that is… It is a little over an hour West of Calgary.  Right smack in the middle of the Canadian Rockies.  Can you say dream village?  (that is if you can afford this place, goodbye nonexistent funds!) Ok, enough of this geography crap, you all know how to operate Google Maps.

Onto a couple realizations…

When I leave here my face is going to be several shades darker than the rest of me. Hello Sunshine.

I was only semi embarrassing this morning.  I didn’t run into anyone… Ok there were a few close calls, I narrowly avoided a full on collision with some Norwegian man.  I did however manage to stay on my feet the entire time!  Well sort of…

Once I almost took myself out by strategically placing my poles between my legs leaving the range.  Later I got my ski caught on a rifle rack which was nearly my demise, somehow I escaped without a total wipe out.

Twice I broke out into dance on the range.  On a side note I was loading clips at the time.   Seriously, stop playing such dance inducing music!  How is everyone else immune to that infectious beat???

Way too many serious faces while I be-bopped around the trails.  One giant star-spangled grin of a girl.  Seemingly having way too much fun.  Hello amateur hour.

Is there something about the German suits that make you guys look so put together!?  Don’t get me started on the French… I can only imagine this is what I looked like.  With slightly less slobber… I hope?

Serious athletes. Corrine. More serious athletes. Corrine.  Professionals.  Corrine?

Ok so despite my totally rambunctious chaotic style of getting the job done I do feel like I know what I’m doing.

What’s that Corrine?  You feel like a real biathlete?  Um yeah, I double dog dare you to take me seriously.

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