Adventure Day

Caitlin GreggSeptember 16, 2012

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Yesterday was a good day! Brian and I both got to sleep on till 8:30AM which never seems to happen! We then pack the cooler, loaded up the car and headed up to the mountains for an adventure!

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Brian grew up here in the Methow Valley and he knows it like the back of his had. I am lucky enough to be married to Brian and have my own mountan guide at hand everyday! Brian gets very excited about heading up into the high country!

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The Views are absolutely amazing on all sides and the weather was perfect! Brian and I both opted to bring our light-weight Salomon Tech jackets which were good sun and wind protection. After long climbs we could simply wrap them around our drink belts and continue to move fast.

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Brian “cruising” he doesn’t even sweat when he runs with me!

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I on the other hand just try and keep up!


Especially when things get technical. After yesterday’s run I now have a new level of comfort when running in the mountains!

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One of the three peaks we reached. This one had beautiful views of Mount Baker and Shukstan.

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After a long day in the mountains we were excited to rinse off in the swimming hole.

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As you can tell it was a little colder then we expected. After “icing” our legs and bodies we headed back to the yurt to make meatloaf for dinner with the Gregg Family! Such a good day and I feel like the luckiest girl in the World!!!

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