

Good day to you all, I hope everyone’s have a great spring. The snow is melting rapidly but the trails are still very skiing where I’m from. The news wires have become increasingly quieter this past week. All national championships are now wrapped up and the “rest” month is officially in full swing. The biggest news [...]

After under training, but giving myself the false perception that I can still compete at a high level (relatively), my body is hating me right now as my attempt to race 50km marathon backfired big time yesterday. If you wanted a great example of the waterfall effect, I gave a great demonstration yesterday. But let’s [...]

So after the overwhelming response I’ve had about my initial Petter Northug youtube video and after his triple gold performance in Liberec, a few people asked me if there was going to be video about his successes in Liberec. I thought to myself, I have the footage (thanks to a nice guy in Britain that [...]

So after the overwhelming response I’ve had about my initial Petter Northug youtube video and after his triple gold performance in Liberec, a few people asked me if there was going to be video about his successes in Liberec. I thought to myself, I have the footage (thanks to a nice guy in Britain that [...]

262 800: Swiss francs Dario Cologna won in prize money 227 000: Swiss francs Petra Majdic won in prize money 11 215: Amount of prize money Alex Harvey won in only 10 races entered this year6 500: Amount of prize money Devon Kershaw won in 23 races entered this year 2 659: World Cup [...]