
Jonathan Rova

If you haven’t registered yet, that’s O.K. Please use the links provided on this page to download registration forms which can e-mailed (team_today@mac.com) and payment can be submitted via our Paypal link. It’s that easy! Except for, of course, the training that goes with it.

Our contest for Seniors will function in the same way and with the same guidelines as our contest for Juniors. The difference will be an increased fee of $10.00 and no awards given for winners (to avoid conflict with NCAA rules,) although participation awards will be given throughout the contest via a drawing. Please use the forms from the links provided on this page to register.

Hear Petes commentary like you were there. After the coaches meeting, inside the wax room, on the side of the trail, in the stadium. Throughout the race, throughout the weekend. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the link to download or for an RSS. Check back often.