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We had some trouble with the site. It is back on-line and more updates will be here shortly. Thanks for your patience!
Chris Cook takes third... Kikkan and Ivan win, the young guns strike again, Kris feeling the training.
Many were fast. Here Colin Mahood - consistantly one of the quickest over the past 5 years - but the day was owned by Chris Cook and Kikkan Randall. More...
Salomon, Dussault, Babikov, the young ones and Johnson enjoy the slush. Few others did. more inside....
Check out the live audio feed - PodCast - from Nationals... Interviews, Race Coverage, General Chatter: Think Racing is a partner of Team Today. Check it out all week...
Story by Torin Koos... Christmas with the Koukals.
Training While Racing by Wendy Wagner... (lots more Canadian World Cup images here too)
Beckie Scott leading by the same distance she won by... NOW MORE PICTURES!
Torin Koos leading his sprint heat. See more...
Sara Renners final was awesome. But this stretch at the finish is what got her in that final. Sara is on the far side, her body is behind but her toe is on the line. This image was taken from . Thank you Fasterskier.
World Cup action this weekend... Potential, potential, potential. We are close. Yesterday we had a 23rd. Today an 11th, 12th, 14th and 21st. But we are not there. And we are going to fight until we are there.
I thought it might be interesting to let you all know what the racers are thinking about the day before the World Cup. images courtesy
Team Today Announces the release of their new book, Creating Champions.