Be heard at see the box on the left... thats the place, click it! Article here as well.
Short report number two...
Leader list: Criteria: WWW.USSA.ORG
KNOW so you can GO. Qualification criteria: go to "sport" then to "cross country" then "advancement" and you will see all qualification criteria including 2008 WC with a special section on Jan 22-26 World Cup. Any staff from any US program that would like to attend please contact as all US staff will work together with the USST staff on all aspects of waxing.
Kikkan wins. Newell 7th. Hearty congratulations to Alaska Pacific University Coaches, Athletes and Support Crew! Great work Erik Flora, Frode Lillefjell, Holly Brooks and the whole APU staff. Congratulations to Chris Grover, the USST staff and to the USST wax team and Justin Wadworth that are in Russia right now. And of course GREAT JOB KIKKAN!