
Kraft Heinz Project Play

Larch Hills Nordic Society Trail Lighting Project Appeal for Support (Press Release)

Press Release Please Vote for Larch Hills Nordic Society Trail Lighting Project in the 2019 Kraft Heinz Project Play Competition   Hello Ski Friends!!   We are thrilled to announce that we are one of four finalists in the 2019 Kraft Heinz Project Play competition.  We are competing for a grand prize of $250,000! If we win, the money will be used to install trail lighting at Larch Hills.  We are one of few ski clubs...

Nakkertok Nordic Wins $250,000 Grand Prize, Making Snowmaking a Reality

What would you do with $250,000? After winning this year’s Kraft Heinz Project Play grand prize, Nakkertok Nordic plans to invest in snow machines and improving its 75 kilometers of club trails. "We were really appreciative of everyone, not just in the area, but across Canada and literally across the world who jumped onboard and gave a us a hand to make it happen," said Sue Holloway.