
Mac Fisher

Creativity and Skiing: An Interview with Revived Films

With increasing camera affordability and the internet’s ease of distribution, the number of videos made about nordic skiing seems to grow exponentially every year. Where once you had to physically go and buy one of the few existing movies put out by national team members to be able to watch good skiers from the comfort of your own home, there is now an abundance of technique advice, World Cup footage and “here). FS: Are your...

Revived Films’ ‘Fact or Fiction’ Trailer

Trailer: Is it fact or is it fiction? Wait it is both. These two polar extremes outline the heart of nordic skiing. Working hard and beating fast, the heart of our community expands. Our sport, while misunderstood by some, is truly extraordinary. Revived Films has pledged to document and expand the heart of nordic skiing for the past two years. This year we bring to you our newest installment, Fact or Fiction. From the thin...