
Team Today

The games are not over until the 26 th .   I maintain that we are in form and have some good results to come.   But whatever happens from now until the 26 th we have a lot – A LOT – of work to do up to 2010 and 2014.   As I have said many times – we have the talent, the desire to work hard and we have the resources to win medals.   Having these things is not enough.

Update now with pictures and more comments.... Quick update: Wendy had her best race in a few years, Kris had a great start (but died big time - went from 6th to 60something in a few km).  Now were on our way to Torino... Fitness is there.  (Yeah I said it, I mean it and I stand by it.) More to come...

Weve been having a good Junior World and U23.  I am waiting for some updates from the racers and coaches... you can check out their results at www.fis-ski.com go to results, cross country. Kranj... Thanks to the coaches/waxers/organizers.  This staff is preparing for races everyday - that is hard, hard work.  Thanks and great job staff. Great job also to all the racers - all the racers.

In a letter to the U.S. Cross Country Committee Luke Bodensteiner outlined a new level of funding for the cross country program... This is a very positive turn of events since the XC budget started out at $400,000 this spring (which covers everything from paper clips, all salaries, all travel, every drop of wax, hotels, training camps, all development projects, etc) and has increased since then... More inside...