Quick Update

FasterSkierMarch 14, 2009

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br /Today is day 9 and I’ve completed one out of three races. I sat the first two races out hoping to feel better. After waking up without a sore throat yesterday, I decided I was on the mend and raced the classic sprint. While I definitely did not feel 100%, I used yesterday’s race as a good “wakeup” workout for my body. I was pleased with my 11th place finish, despite being sick the entire week.
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br /I had hopes of racing the 30k race tomorrow, but my body is still fighting off sickness and I am hoping for complete health before I travel to Anchorage on Monday. U.S. Long-Distance Nationals is coming up on March 24th in Fairbanks, AK and I am now focusing on good results there. Those races will wrap-up the 2009 season.
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br /I will keep you posted from Alaska!p class=”MsoNormal”/p div class=”blogger-post-footer”img width=’1′ height=’1′ src=’https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/tracker/5903545846797966075-7782202978102208097?l=in-the-arena-nicole.blogspot.com’ alt=” //div


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