2009-2010 Begins

FasterSkierMay 6, 2009

We’re back!  The 2009-2010 training year is underway and Bryan, Gus and I just got back from CXC Elite team training camp #1 in Hayward, WI.  The week was full of fitness testing and evaluations, including the 3000m run, VO2max testing, the strength test, and individual and team meetings.  Bryan and I left the camp a few days early for me to tie up some loose ends at school and to see Tanya Cook’s graduation from NMU.

I took most of the month of April completely off of training.  I started working at the Upfront and Co. again, and I slept more than I ever have in my life.  I am finely feeling rested and I am eager to start training.  May is a fun month because the weather gets nice and there is some freedom to do what you want.

I have organized my calendar for the year and Bryan and I are looking to do some more ski clinics.  If you or someone you know is interested please e-mail info@xcskialliance.com.  We do clinics for groups of all ages and ability levels.  You can read about some of last year’s clinics by clicking HERE.

I am currently one elective credit away from receiving my master’s degree in exercise science and I am excited to do more with my endurance-based personal training business, Alliance Training this year.  I had some great results with this program last year and I already have a couple of clients lined up for the 2009-2010 training year.  If you are one of the many people out there without a coach, or if you are interested in taking your training to another level, please check out my brochure and contact me directly at mariastuber@xcskialliance.com.  Pricing is very negotiable.


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