Labor Day Weekend

FasterSkierSeptember 8, 2009

div xmlns=’’pobject height=’350′ width=’425’param value=’’ name=’movie’/embed height=’350′ width=’425′ type=’application/x-shockwave-flash’ src=’’//object/ppThe weather was incredible in Lake Placid this weekend. Sunny not to warm. Being up there with near perfect conditions really makes me question why I am not there all the time. br /Although I did not feel up to par all weekend I had some good training never the less. Saturday a time trial on my test course. After fixing my rollerski binding flex plate. Time was slower than I expected but felt a little under the weather. Sunday did easy running and shooting at Van Ho Biathlon Range I hired freelance Coaches Ripster and Will to help set up time and distract me. br /Monday’s training salvaged the weekend. I was able to utilize the complete loop at the new biathlon range in Lake Placid. My Daughter was the coach of the / It is interesting to compare skiing hard on the treadmill to rollerskiing in vivo. Onthe treadmill the speed is set and you have to maintain that speed never miss a stride or pole plant if you do not recover from the misshap you will fly off the back there is no forgiveness. On the treadmill you cannot slow down you have to adapt to the pace. br /On the road you set the pace if you are skiing alone if you do no t pole hard then you go slow. YOu have to set your pace.. will fininsh later …..have to go to a court room for jury duty/p/divdiv class=”blogger-post-footer”img width=’1′ height=’1′ src=’’ alt=” //div


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